Monday, 27 August 2012

Explain this paradox...

we know that integration by parts is done using


Let u = x  and  v = 1/x; then we get,

Can you explain this???

Monday, 13 August 2012

Number of regions...

A circle and a parabola are drawn on a sheet of paper. Find the maximum number of regions they divide the paper into.

I can see 7...can you work out and improvise?

Area of octagon...

ABCD is a square with length of a side 1 cm. An octagon is formed by lines joining the vertices of the square to the midpoints of opposite sides. Find the area of the octagon.

Answer appears to be 1/6 sq cm... try to arrive at it

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Area of triangle 2...

ABC is a right angled triangle with orthocentre at C. Given the circumradius as 'R' and the angle between the medians not passing through C be Ɵ. Find the area of triangle

The Area of the triangle is

Area of Triangle...

ABC is a triangle P is a point on the plane of the triangle such that |AR(PAB)| = |AR(PAC)| = |AR(PBC)|. Find possible number of positions of P.


The answer is Four

But how...???....think !!!...let me know if you want to know

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Here follows a problem which troubles (possibly)..
i have a solution to this problem i will post the same however i wish someone comes out with a solution

... it's been days and no reply has, here is the solution

consider the figure below

Let PQ be the shortest line segment such that  Area of ΔCPQ is equal to Area of the Quadrilateral PQBA.

Let CP = x ,  CQ  = y , PQ =  u.

QM and BE are perpendiculars from Q and B on to CA, we can see that ΔCQM ||| ΔCBE, Then

Hence we will have  QM = ysin C and BE = a sin C

PQ bisects ΔABC implies

Using the Cosine formula for triangle CPQ

Let us assume this is equal to r. then

Upon simplification , we get

Observation : Minimum value of R.H.S is reached when the first etrm of L.H.S is 0. ie.,

This implies that r = ab(1-cosC) and consequently we get

Therefore length of PQ can be found as


Find a+b-c, b+c-a, c+a-b, choose the least and next higher of them; for example if a+b-c and b+c-a are these two in that order, then P and Q must be chosen on BC and BA such that
and the shortest length PQ that bisects triangle abc will then be

S Ramanujan problem--for school kids

This is a problem posed by S Ramanujan .. try ...  

Here is the solution

so on.. we get 

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

problem on probability

Four identical dice are rolled once, find the probability of getting atleast three different numbers.